
第311回例会2021年9月1日(水)0:00〜2021年9月7日(火)23:59 開催

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2021-22年度会長 田代 晴香





2021-22年度幹事 大塚 和光

◆ハイライトよねやま 2021年8月号◆


◆ガバナー月信 2021年8月号◆
ガバナー月信 2021年8月号


8月 1ドル=110円




第309回例会 出席率 100%
 会員数3名 出席者3名 欠席者0名


第310回例会 出席率 100%
 会員数3名 出席者3名 欠席者0名

Make Up



Smile Box




卓 話

1.今月のRI会長メッセージ紹介/Presidential message








今月から、どうすれば識字率向上によって人びとの暮らしを豊かにするために奉仕できるか、その方法を模索してみましょう。大人に読み書きや地元で話される言語を教える無料プログラムを提供している地元の団体や、読み書きに重点を置いた教師の専門能力開発を行う地元の団体を支援しましょう。識字率向上のメンターになりましょう。世界中の子どもたちに学習機会を増やすために活動しているGlobal Partnership for Educationなどの団体と協力しましょう。地元の学校や図書館で行われているプログラムを支援できないか、または地元で必要とされているプログラムを立ちあげられないか相談してみましょう。

インドのロータリークラブとインド政府が協力して大きな成果をあげたTEACH programは、大規模の識字率向上プログラムを行うことで何百万人もの子どもたちを助けられた好例です。パンデミックのためインド中が休校になった際には、このプログラムはEラーニングにより国営放送を使って1億人を超える子どもたちに教育を提供しました。


2. 米山奨学生からのメッセージ

Summer vacation and a month full of unpredictable events for me…


    Last month, just before starting the vacation, my advisor professor, emailed a brief schedule for me to follow up with my research works. Reading books, skimming research papers, and writing a part of my research was among the bullet points. As I scheduled, August would have been a full vacation and refreshing month for me, and then I would start to follow up on my research works and relative studies.


    At the beginning of this month, I and my family had a great time with our Rotary club members doing a BBQ in the garden of Ohtsuka san. There we had a nice chat with each other. My husband who is a Ph.D. student at Tokai university was also there and we made a nice memory with each other.


    My sister and her husband came to our place in the first week of August and then we had a nice time together. We had a brief list of activities to do in two weeks. We started by going to Gotemba premium outlet for some shopping and recreation. There we fortunately, could see a very nice view of the Fuji-san. Please see Fig. 1. A few days later, we went to Ebina city for some walking, vising some nice restaurants and finally watching a nice movie in the Toho Cinema. The next day, we visited Hadano Tokawa park. There we celebrated my husband’s birthday which became a nice memory for all of us. Please see Fig. 2. On the morning of the next day, my sister who was pregnant suddenly felt some pain and unfortunately, after visiting the Tokai University Hospital, she could not help but do an abortion. This was a shocking happening for all of us. The doctors couldn’t save their child and we all became so sad. For few more days, my sister stayed with us and then left for their home. I wish that was the only shocking thing to happen for us, but soon my beloved country falls under Taliban control. The Taliban group was governing my country 20 years ago as well and at that time, the people of Afghanistan were not happy with them. These people are extremist Islamic group that they want to forcefully make all people obey their old mindsets. Even though now we are in the 22nt century, they still live in the 6th-century lifestyle. Their mindsets are not acceptable by Islam scholars all over the world. Unfortunately, the previous government which was basically made and supported fully by the US was fully corrupt. Therefore, they didn’t stand for their country and even before the Taliban fight them, they left our country with millions of dollars. I truly feel sorry for myself and my people that in a quick reference to the history, one can see that the poor people are always a play toy for the world superpowers like the US, Russia, China, and the UK.


    Now that the control of our country is with the Taliban, we only can hope that these people give everyone the basic rights for living. Because most of the literate people of my country know the policy of the Taliban, they can not live under their government, therefore, thousands have already migrated to Afghanistan and millions are nowadays preparing to leave their homes for good. Most of the people who are open-minded and or working with the previous government or with foreigners by any means are no longer safe in Afghanistan. I am afraid those who are living in foreign countries would be never allowed to return to Afghanistan not until some time soon. Considering this, my whole family is trying to leave Afghanistan as soon as they can and I hope all of them save their lives as they wish so.



Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Somaya Salahshoor.

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